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Supporting work against deforestation

Managing deforestation risk in our supply chain is a sustainability focus. CHS Brazil supports Save Cerrado, SOS Mata Atl芒ntica, Embrasa, Carbon Free and other entities that work against deforestation and promote reforestation.

Corn stalks
Organizations where CHS participates

Sharing CHS learnings through sustainability forums is another avenue for strengthening industry resolve to prevent deforestation. The company has participated in forums sponsored by Global Traceability Solutions, ANEC, ABIOVE and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Some organizations CHS participates in include:

  • Amazon Soy Moratorium, which asks grain traders to agree not to purchase soybeans from land cleared after 2008
  • Green Grains from Pará, aimed at avoiding sale of crops grown in illegally deforested areas
  • Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS) Association, a global coalition of thought leaders working to create a certification standard for responsible soybean production
  • Coalition Group (ABAG), which promotes initiatives against illegal deforestation
  • ABIOVE, the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries, which supports sustainable expansion of soy