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Canola processing 

Championing canola product production

We work with farmers and cooperatives throughout the northern United States and Canada to originate canola for processing in Hallock, Minnesota. This processing plant is designed to receive the local canola crop and process it into food ingredients and animal feed. These value-added canola products are sold around the world to make products for the food and animal agriculture industries.

Canola value chain

Canola seed is delivered to the plant throughout the year, where it is processed and the value-added canola products are sold to customers in the food industry and to animal producers and feed mills. The final products coming out of the plant include refined food-grade canola oil and canola meal. The canola is pressed into crude oil, and then further refined into a food-grade product. Canola oil is sold to local food companies to be transformed into a cooking oil, salad dressing, or sauce. Canola meal is sold to local animal producers and feed mills to be incorporated into animal feed products.

Canola products from CHS

We receive seed, clean it, and prepare it for crushing. Through the crushing process, crude canola oil is extracted. The oil is refined and can be sold to local food companies. The meal that is left over from the crushing process is then sold to hog and poultry producers in the area for animal feed.

Refined canola oil
This product is sold directly to companies that package and sell it, or companies that use it to make salad dressings and other sauces.

Canola meal

This is an animal feed product that is sold to local animal producers to mix into a ration.

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